Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Free Falling

Ceaseless breeze dishevels my hair
Shriek of the wind ringing in my ears
Unseeing, it’s all so blissful

As my eyelids flutter open
Against an inexorable thrust
They stare out in the darkness

I am falling, for what seems like eternity
How much farther, till the earth stops me cold

When did this happen?
Even the ledge I tipped over
Is but an elusive memory

Not just another descent
In the surge and ebb
That had been my life

I am falling, away from the absurdity
My eyes close, shut out the uncertainty

..It’s all so blissful again..


Blogger S.L. Corsua says...

The sensation of being unfettered, unbound... is truly a moment of bliss. ^_^

5:12 PM  
Blogger IdeaSmith says...

Makes me wonder what provoked this. Your blog really brings out that side of you that's so well hidden, it seems non-existant almost. Wish you would write more....

9:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous says...

Soulless.. Thanks again for visiting.
Smithy.. Perhaps this blog brings out a side of me that I barely knew existed myself, maybe because I have never acknowledged it.
I wish I would write more too....

2:08 PM  

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