Saturday, April 30, 2005


A friend of mine would use a password for some of his accounts: ‘trustno1’. My raised eyebrow on learning this was answered with a brief homily on how he never trusts anyone, and how he is better off by not trusting even his close friends so that way he would never be disappointed in them. Hmm.. Interesting that he trusts no one, considering the fact that I learned of the ‘trustno1’ password coz he GAVE it to me!

Perhaps there are degrees of trust, I could trust someone with a password to my blog account, but would take my email password to the grave.
And there are rational reasons to trust. I would trust what my scholarly math professor would have to say about a random complex postulate, but would not care much for my English professors opinion about it, no matter how well intentioned.

Then there is faith. If I thought this English prof was the smartest man ever born, for whatever reason, I would simply have faith that would make his words supersede the more qualified and logical physics prof.

In case you’re wondering, I don’t know where I am going with this either ;). It just bothers my mind very often as to how much trust we can place in a person or how much faith to have in someone. There are those who have just stood by me without much ado, and I have no motive to distrust them.. in fact the issue of faith and trust have never really arisen. To the others, who have received my unwavering faith, no questions asked, but have changed colors at the most inopportune moment, I must say: ‘Thank you, you have taught me well. You can even have your knife back now, let me just turn around and you can yank it out from my back… just where you left it.’

For now, I shall just remain myself, gullible as ever, till my scars wake me up.. every time.

Trust (tr st):
Firm reliance on the integrity, ability, or character of a person or thing.

Faith (f th)
Confident belief in the truth, value, or trustworthiness of a person, idea, or thing.
Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence.


Blogger IdeaSmith says...

Nicely put.I especially liked the reference to your maths and english professors. The zinger to those who have betrayed you had a touch of real class.

However in all this you don't look at the intuition angle. Do you not believe in it? Personally I think that whether we acknowledge it or not, all of us have and use this ability...after all there is no precise way to pinpoint when caution gives way to trust, is there?

8:58 AM  

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